Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 29 Lewiston, ID to Glenn's Ferry, ID

Rivers, rivers, and more rivers

Leaving Lewiston, Idaho on highway 95 south didn't seem like that big of deal.  That quickly changed.  The farmlands variety of green and yellow hues changed with each rolling hill.  Old barns kept Kathy snapping pictures and the curvy roads kept my attention focused.

I found a turnoff that I had read about called the "Old Winchester Grade".   About 18 miles of narrow blacktop that gains elevation rapidly with many hairpin curves that have no shoulder but instead a straight drop-off to the grasslands below.  I hugged the center-line.

Where the grasslands, wheat fields, potato crops, and alfalfa ended  the mountains and rivers began.  First the Salmon River kept us company as we followed 95 south.  Rafters navigated the rapids while we tried to navigate the traffic.

While laying out this route over the past several months my main goal was to have beautiful scenery along with curvy motorcycle roads.  I however didn't count on Sunday traffic in God's beautiful country.  Traffic was heavy and mostly going in my direction.  I was trying to keep my speed down since yesterday's ticket, but when the speed limit is 65 and traffic is running around 55 I get a little impatient.  I started passing a few vehicles at a time when safe, slowly whittling away at the source of obstruction.  You know, that one vehicle that has the whole thing bottle necked.

Finally I see the problem, a white truck.  As I pass it, blue lights come on.  Evidently I have just passed a county sheriff.  Pulling over in the first safe area, I am just a little disgruntled.  But of course when the officer ask for my credentials I'm polite.  It seems he thinks I've been darting in and out of traffic and being unsafe.  I do not argue.  This is the most dangerous road in Idaho I learn.  I was unaware of that I tell him.  How fast was I going I ask, 76 he says.  Again I do not argue,  I do not think I was going that fast, plus the lights came on as soon as I was beside him.  I accept the verbal barrage and he lets me go.  Now that he is behind me traffic flows smoothly all the way to Boise.

Back to the scenery.  The Salmon River turns away from the highway and is replaced by the Little Salmon River and then the Payette River.  All beautiful and I see why this route was so highly recommended,  I do wish we had rode it mid-week though.

I steer west of Boise and cross the Snake River.  More crops and grasslands all irrigated by the Snake.  The fields that are not irrigated are brown. We are in an arid area that has to have the Snake River's water to produce.

Starting to feel the rigors of riding all day I stop at a place called Givens Hot Springs.  It promises cabins, tent sites, and relaxing springs.  After talking to the owner we go to check out a cabin. Having stayed in old cabins twice before on this trip, I thought it would be okay.  Wrong.  When we opened the door of the cabin it was an instant NO.  Old is not the word for these cabins,,,more like ran down.  Near falling down.  Not even a bathroom.

We climbed back on the bike and continued along the Snake River.  It's nearly dark we come upon Glenn's Ferry, a small town of just over a thousand people.  There we find the Redford Inn, another outdated motel but very clean.  The restaurants in town are already closed so we stop at a grocery store and buy a package of baloney and a loaf of bread.  Fine dining in Glenn's Ferry.  Stomachs full we turn off the lights, tomorrow we'll see where the east and west was joined together by steel rails !

Pics for Lewiston to Glenn's Ferry

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